Qanon conspiracy theory
Qanon conspiracy theory
This is a web page I am currently developing in order to shed light to anything Qanon related. My intent is to bring awareness to what "Q" really is, it's history, fabrications and deceitful tactics used to garner and grow its base. This is a continual work in progress so expect updates regularly.
I am just an individual who has witnessed the evolution of "Q" and the havoc it has caused. Politically I'm independent and I try to approach the subject as neutral as I can. While Qanon is typically associated with the Far Right, there are plenty of liberals who have embraced the conspiracy as well. It reaches all races and genders. I've
I am just an individual who has witnessed the evolution of "Q" and the havoc it has caused. Politically I'm independent and I try to approach the subject as neutral as I can. While Qanon is typically associated with the Far Right, there are plenty of liberals who have embraced the conspiracy as well. It reaches all races and genders. I've spent several months studying and monitoring "Q" influencers, as well as reading "Q" social media posts and indoctrination videos, podcast, news, etc. I hope the knowledge I share can be as to some value for anyone who has lost somebody to Qanon, or anyone just seeking general knowledge about the movement.
To understand who or what Q is we need to know the players. While not all of these names are necessarily associated with Q directly, they are all deeply woven into the fabric that will become Q.
American software developer who created the message board 8chan, which eventually became the website where Q made the majority of their posts.
American businessman and the operator of the imageboard website 8chan and textboard website 2channel.
- Wikipedia
Son of Jim Watkins. Conspiracy theorist, former site administrator for 8Chan.
Owner of the 8Chan board /cbts/ (Calm Before The Storm) where Q's posts started to exponentially gain traction among members of 8Chan. Some postulate that he is the original Q.
There is a cannibalistic sex trafficking ring that is ran by the "Deep State" (Cabal), that is comprised of the world's wealthiest elite and most powerful or influential politicians. Namely Democrat pundits and Republican posers.
The Deep State, also known as the Cabal, is believed to be operated by the worlds elite. This includes the Clinton's, Obama's, Bush's. However powerful these individuals may be, they are under the control of the corporations of the world. Examples would be: Viacom, News Corporation, Comcast, CBS, Time Warner and Disney. "These 6 corporations control 90% of the media in America [1]." This fact alone is used by Qanon to push the belief that MSM (Main Stream Media) can't be trusted since it is essentially owned by the "Deep State."
All of the "Players" I've mentioned up to this point, other than Paul Furber, have a wiki page.
Paul Furber is a bit more obscure, but with a few searches with keywords he can be found on google. See below.
Rather than writing a lengthy article describing the beginnings of Q, I've decided to link a podcast that covers exactly how Q came to be and gives insight into who this mysterious person(s) is. It's roughly an hour long, but if you want the real scoop, it's an excellent listen.
Perhaps the most influential denominator that binds and grows Qanon's base is their hijacked slogan, #savethechildren. This is a hash-tag that actually belongs to Save the Children Federation, Inc., commonly know as Save the Children USA. (see link for reference:
Qanon Timeline
*See original Belling Cat News link at bottom of timeline
Edgar Maddison Welch of North Carolina was arrested after he fired 3 shots from an assault rifle into Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in Washington...
*See original Belling Cat News link at bottom of timeline
On message board 4Chan, "Q" made their first posts. 4 messages would be uploaded on 10/28/2017 pronouncing the anticipated arrest of Hillary...
Q's activity surged in November. There was a continuous outpour of "drops", expanding on the previous theories about Hillary Clinton. Severa...
Q goes after more targets. John McCain supposedly has ties to middle eastern terrorist groups. There are drops that continue to slander Obam...
Allegedly, Trump secretly addresses Qanon via Twitter by misspelling and then correcting a word in a Tweet. Consentual was corrected to cons...
"Operation Merlin" kicks off. The alleged plot by Obama to send technology to Iran & North Korea. In this plot, Q, also states that US offic...
Q talks of deep state plans of foreign powers to give uranium to Iran for their nuclear program, while using Russia as the scapegoat for the...
On June 16, Q released a “hit list” of 101 reporters who allegedly “colluded with the DNC [Democratic National Congress] during the 2016 el...
Q speaks of awakening from "fake news media", asking followers to be "sheep no more", and of a "grand awakening" Q speaks of securing midter...
As the US held midterm elections, online allegations of electoral fraud foreshadowed the same approach the Trump campaign would take in the...
After Trump’s unsubstantiated claims that Obama had wiretapped his election campaign in 2016, Q raised the alarm about “spygate” and accuse...
The Mueller report into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election was published in April. Until its release, the report into R...
Q finds another target: Planned Parenthood. Q’s drops claim that the organisation, which offers access to abortion in the USA, is a conspir...
After three shootings in August 2019 in which the attackers used 8chan to spread their hateful manifestos, the website was taken offline th...
Q’s interest in “spygate” returned. “Never has a president left office to collude with others to impede the next sitting president of the U...
The first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in the USA on January 20; Trump declared a public health emergency on January 31.
In March, Trump...
As the USA looked toward the November presidential election, Trump supporters continued to peddle conspiracies about the Democratic Party p...
As the USA looked toward the November presidential election, Trump supporters continued to peddle conspiracies about the Democratic Party p...
The Republican and Democratic Parties both held their national conventions in August, during which Trump and Biden were chosen as their res...
After it had generated rising media coverage and notoriety, Trump was asked if he would denounce QAnon during an interview with the NBC’s S...
Since the US election in November 2020, the rate of Q drops has sharply declined. Only a single drop appeared in the last two months of 20...
Since the US election in November 2020, the rate of Q drops has sharply declined. Only a single drop appeared in the last two months of 20...
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